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A World-Class Education From Palomar College

Choose from nearly 250 programs. Complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree, get career technical training, or enjoy personal enrichment classes.
Palomar enrolls over 29,000 full-time and part-time students. California residents pay only $46 per unit!
Contact Us Today To Enroll In Your First Classes

Palomar College is Fully Accredited

Accreditation is essential, as it shows we are committed to providing you with the best possible education. The process assures the quality of education falls in line with established standards set forth by the education community. We are proud of our accreditation, and we work hard to maintain it.

Learn. Create. Succeed.

We dedicate ourselves to empowering our students to succeed. We are committed to helping students achieve the learning outcomes necessary to contribute as individuals, and global citizens. We believe in teaching excellence, learning and service, integrity, access, equity, mutual respect and trust, creativity, and innovation.

Explore over 250 degree and certificate and career training programs and find your passion.

Palomar College is ideal for students who know exactly what they want to study and for those who want to explore and uncover their passion. We offer programs in arts, media, business, health, languages, social and behavioral studies, mathematics, and all sciences. Additionally, we offer career training and continuing education courses in numerous fields and industries.

Palomar College is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.

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